Little Drummers Pre-School

Drummond Community Centre, Drummond Road, Hedge End, Southampton, Hampshire, SO30 2AD
 07971 647019 or O2381784187
Education and Learning
Young children learn and develop quickly, and play is fundamental in this. Play helps to build self-worth and gives them a sense of their own abilities, which supports good self-esteem and well-being.
At Little Drummers we believe learning should be fun, it needs to be about what children enjoy doing. They might find unusual ways of doing things – for a child, building blocks are not just for making towers, and paint can be used without a brush! We show them how things work, but if they want to experiment, we let them!
We aim to provide the children with a secure environment to allow them to find out why, when, what, and how something works. We believe if we enable them to ask questions, explore and experiment the possibilities are endless.
Little Drummers uses the governments Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) to plan an environment which is rich in opportunities.
Early Years Foundation Stage
The framework sets out three prime areas of learning that underpins everything in the early years:
communication and language
physical development
personal, social and emotional development
The four specific areas help children to strengthen and apply the prime areas:
understanding the world
expressive arts and design

Learning Journeys
Your child’s learning journey is recorded through an electronic system called 'Tapestry' this is used to document your child's learning during their time at Little Drummers; there are many observations for you to read and pictures for you to look at. It’s important to remember this is a working document so information is being added all the time. All of the learning journeys are different as it tracks your child’s progress through the Early Years Foundation Stage. This helps to tailor activities to best meet the needs of each individual child and to help them move forward in a fun and interesting way through play.
All registered parents will have instant access to 'Tapestry' where you will be able to enjoy and review your child's learning with us at any time.